新冠疫情衝擊美國校園的學期,伊利諾大學一群師生團隊以3D列印投入製造Montana面罩…… ”Running this project and doing the best we can to help healthcare workers is a way to turn that frustration into something productive” graduate students Bijal Patel said.
RS觀點摘要 |
伊利諾大學(University of Illinois)化學與分子生物工程(chemical and biomolecular engineering)一個研究團群的師生,在新冠疫情(COVID-19)橫掃美國的期間,運用3D列印等…技術,製造”Montana mask(一種防護面具)”,提供鄰近的醫療單位。
Research group in chemical and biomolecular engineering produces masks to fight COVID-19
University of Illinois/ 20200511
RS內容觀察 |
The Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering donated $1,000 to help print the masks, and the group gratefully acknowledges support from……
* Ying Diao教授帶著多位研究生奉獻專業與時間製造口罩
Along with Diao, the task force includes graduate students Bijal Patel, Prapti Kafle, Daniel Davies, and Zhuang Xu. All students are volunteering their time to create the masks……
* 研究生Davies設計口罩,並持續改良讓產品更好,彼此分工,藉著團隊達成任務
Along with Kafle, Davies also works on prototyping the designs and coming up with ways to make them better and more comfortable. ……
RS照片觀點 |
元素: 人、面罩、實驗室服(氣氛)、手勢「讚」......
著重主題: 產品印象
感覺: 一目了然的印象
RS連結閱讀 | 成大Maker Factory創客工廠製作「口罩減壓墊」 號召全台創客一同挺醫護 國立成功大學/ 20200519 https://web.ncku.edu.tw/p/406-1000-207657,r2744.php?Lang=zh-tw